Soup Recipe - Homemade Pho Soup

Soup Recipe - Homemade Pho Soup
This recipe for homemade pho soup is a warm and comforting dish that is ideal for a cold day. The flavorful broth is created from scratch using spices, beef broth, and fish sauce. This dish is served with rice noodles and thinly sliced beef and is garnished with a variety of fresh herbs and vegetables to add flavor and color. Made with Cinnamon Sticks, Lime, Onion, Ginger, Beef Broth, Beef Sirloin, Cilantro Leaves, Fennel Seeds, Rice Noodles, Fish Sauce, Coriander Seeds, Sugar, Cloves, Green Onions. #soup, #cilantro leaves, #cinnamon sticks, #beef broth, #onion, #sugar, #fish sauce


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